Systemwide General Education Transfer Courses

The courses listed below are Systemwide Transfer courses that KBOR has designated as part of the Statewide General Education. These courses may not be removed from the KU Core 34 and must remain in the goal designated by KBOR.

  • ABSC 250: Human Development
  • AMS 110: American Identities
  • ANTH 108: Introduction to Cultural Anthropology
  • ANTH 320: Language in Culture & Society
  • ATMO 105: Introductory Meteorology
  • BIOL 100: Principles of Biology
  • BIOL 102: Principles of Biology Laboratory
  • BIOL 150: Principles of Molecular & Cellular Biology
  • BIOL 152: Principles of Organismal Biology
  • BIOL 154: Introductory Biology Lab for STEM Majors
  • BIOL 200: Basic Microbiology
  • BIOL 203: Introductory Microbiology Laboratory
  • BIOL 240: Fundamentals of Human Anatomy
  • BIOL 241: Human Anatomy Observation Lab
  • BIOL 246: Principles of Human Physiology
  • BIOL 247: Principles of Human Physiology Lab
  • CHEM 110: Introductory Chemistry
  • CHEM 130: General Chemistry I
  • CHEM 135: General Chemistry II
  • COMS 130: Public Speaking
  • COMS 244: Introduction to Interpersonal Communication
  • CRIM 300: Introduction to Criminal Justice
  • ECON 142: Principles of Microeconomics
  • ECON 144: Principles of Macroeconomics
  • ENGL 100: Introduction to Literature
  • ENGL 101: Composition
  • ENGL 102: Critical Reading and Writing
  • ENGL 220: Introduction to Creative Writing
  • ENGL 320: American Literature I
  • ENGL 322: American Literature II
  • EPSY 305: Development and Learning of the Child
  • EVRN 140: Global Environment I
  • EVRN 148: Scientific Principles of Environmental Studies
  • EVRN 160: Environmental Solutions Lab
  • FREN 110: Elementary French I
  • FREN 120: Elementary French II
  • GEOG 100: World Regional Geography
  • GEOL 101: The Way the Earth Works
  • GEOL 103: Geology Fundamentals Laboratory
  • HA 150: History of Western Art: Ancient Through Medieval
  • HA 151: History of Western Art: Renaissance to Contemporary
  • HIST 128: History of the United States through the Civil War
  • HIST 129: History of the United States after the Civil War
  • JMC 101: Media & Society
  • MEMT 341: Instructional Strategies in Music for Elementary Classroom Teachers
  • MUSC 136: Understanding Music
  • PHIL 140: Introduction to Philosophy
  • PHIL 148: Reason and Argument
  • PHIL 160: Introduction to Ethics
  • PHSX 114: College Physics I
  • PHSX 115: College Physics II
  • PHSX 211: General Physics I
  • PHSX 216: General Physics I Laboratory
  • POLS 110: Introduction to US Politics
  • POLS 150: Introduction to Comparative Politics
  • POLS 170: Introduction to International Politics
  • POLS 313: Comparative US Politics
  • PSYC 104: General Psychology
  • PSYC 250: Human Development
  • REL 104: Introduction to Religious Studies
  • REL 311: Religion of Ancient Israel
  • REL 315: History & Literature of Ancient Israel
  • SOC 104: Elements of Sociology
  • SOC 160: Social Problems & American Values
  • SOC 220: Sociology of Families
  • SPAN 104: Elementary Spanish I
  • SPAN 108: Elementary Spanish II
  • SPAN 212: Intermediate Spanish I
  • SW 220: Introduction to Social Work, Social Welfare, and US Society
  • THR 100: Introduction to the Theatre
  • VAE 341: Instructional Strategies in Art for Elementary Classroom Teachers
  • WGSS 101: Introduction to Women, Gender, and Sexuality Studies