Petitions & Forms
Meet with your academic advisor before completing any of these forms. You may schedule an appointment with your academic advisor through the Navigate app or through JayhawkGPS.
Completed petitions, including letters of support must be received by Friday, November 22, 2024 to be reviewed by the UCCC during the fall semester. Petitions reviewed after this date will not be reviewed until January 21, 2025.
KU Core/KU Core 34 Petition
Students should use this form if they fall under one of the following circumstances and would like to petition their course/experience to count for a KU Core or KU Core 34 goal:
- Courses transferred into KU with a general designator (such as BIOL N) and the student believes the course fulfills and aligns with a KU Core goal.
- KU courses classified as a special "topics" course.
- Study abroad experiences outside of those offered by KU's Office of Study Abroad and Global Engagement (SAGE). View an approved list of courses and programs.
- A significant global living experience of at least 6 weeks in duration.
Please review the first page of the form for more information on the requirements and timeline.
Transfer Modification of Goal Form
Students who lost KU Core credit when transferring credit to KU should use this form. Check JayhawkGPS/Navigate360 for an alert to determine if your coursework was affected or ask your academic advisor.
Before you complete this form be sure you meet these requirements:
- You are transferring credit to KU from another institution
- You are completing the original KU Core requirements. (Do not complete this form if you are completing the new KU Core 34 requirements)
- The course(s) in question were completed prior to Fall 2024 (even if transferred to KU later)
Goals may only be adjusted to the original KU Core goal it counted for when you completed the course.
Complete the modification of goal form.
UNIV 342 Registration Request
Students may wish to register for UNIV 342 in order to complete their Global Culture goal for a variety of reasons. Please read more here about the various global living experiences students may participate in to be eligible for this course.
Complete this form to register for UNIV 342.
Individual Student Designed Experience
Students may meet the Global Culture through a pre-approved experience. Students may identify and propose a unique experience for pre-approval by the University Core Curriculum Committee. Types of experiences that have been approved by the UCCC are study abroad experiences not operated through KU’s Study Abroad and Global Engagement Office and internships/research experiences that do not align with a course. Read more about the steps to propose an experience.
Complete this form to propose an experience.
COMS 130 Retroactive Credit
Students with two high school courses in public speaking (totaling two semesters) with a grade of B or higher may receive course credit for COMS 130: Public Speaking. Students who believe they qualify for this exemption may petition to receive course credit for their high school experience. There is a $50 fee associated with posting the credit. Please note: debate and forensics courses will not be considered for students entering in Fall 2020 or after.
Complete this form to get credit for COMS 130.