Steps for Completing an Educational Experience

Before Submitting Your Experience Proposal

  1. Identify the experience and the KU Core goal you'd like to meet with it. 
  2. Meet with the individual overseeing your experience (supervisor or instructor) and ensure your experience and activities will align with the KU Core goal and learning outcomes.
  3. Work with your advisor to determine if the experience needs to be submitted to the UCCC. Consider the following questions when reviewing experiences:
    • Is the experience already approved for KU Core credit?
    • Is there an existing course that aligns with the experience and satisfies the KU Core? 
  4. If the answers above are no, gather materials to complete the Experience Proposal Form.
    • Refer to the questions below before completing the form.
    • You will need a syllabus or supporting documents about your experience as well as a letter of support from your advisor, faculty, or experience supervisor that details their support and notes about how the experience satisfies the goal. 

Guidelines for Sponsored Educational Experience

  1. Describe the experience. Ensure the following details are included:
    • What are the parameters of the experience (ex: duration, hours, start/end dates)?
    • Where does the experience take place (ex: research/innovation institute, community or workplace organization; local or abroad)?
  2. Describe how your roles, responsibilities, and/or the activities in which you'll participate during the experience are relevant to the proposed goal.
  3. Explain how this experience meets the criteria for the KU Core goal in which you are seeking approval for. Use specific examples that connects your experience to each learning outcome and criterion listed for the goal in which you are petitioning.
  4. Describe how this experience helps you meet your academic and career goals.
  5. How will you assess whether you met your goals and the criteria for the core goal in which you are seeking approval for? Wholesaled will be evaluating your performance (ex: supervisor, faculty/staff, clients/self)?

Once submitted, the UCCC will review the proposal. Upon approval, you will enroll in the corresponding UNIV course through Canvas. The course will have modules that must be complete before, during, and after your experience. Once completed, you will receive credit for your experience. 

If the experience is denied, the committee will provide feedback on the proposal for revision and resubmission.