Math & Statistics

Build Quantitative Skills

Upon reaching this goal, students will be able to define a problem, analyze numerical information, apply mathematical principles, and integrate quantitative methods into problem solving. 

Required Credit Hours: 3 

*The Kansas Board of Regents is implementing a math pathways program in Fall 2025 which will affect math requirements for all students who matriculate after implementation.  

Courses that satisfy the goal:

  • ACCT 200: Fundamentals of Financial Accounting 
  • COMS 356: Introduction to Behavioral Research Methods in Communication 
  • FIN 101: Personal Finance 
  • FIN 301: Personal Finance 
  • LA&S 108: Personal Numeracy 
  • MATH 101: College Algebra: _____ 
  • MATH 104: Precalculus Mathematics 
  • MATH 105: Introductory Quantitative Reasoning 
  • MATH 115: Calculus I 
  • MATH 125: Calculus I 
  • MATH 145: Calculus I, Honors 
  • MATH 365: Elementary Statistics 
  • PHIL 210: Playing the Odds: Reasoning, Chance, and Probability 
  • POLS 206: Political Science Methods of Inquiry 
  • PSYC 210: Statistics in Psychological Research 
  • PUAD 332: Quantitative Methods for Public Administration 
  • SOC 380: Elementary Statistics and Data Analysis 
  • SPLH 220: The Physics of Speech 

Additional options for achieving the goal: 

KU Core 34 Learning Outcome:

Upon reaching this goal, students will be able to define a problem, analyze numerical information, apply mathematical principles, and integrate quantitative methods into problem solving. 

Institutional Learning Goal (Analytical reasoning):

Access, evaluate, and use qualitative and/or quantitative information to identify patterns, formulate and support interpretations. 

Math Pathways - Beginning Fall 2026

Beginning in Fall 2026, KU will implement KBOR's Math Pathways initiative. The following courses will be included and will satisfy the KU Core 34 Math & Statistics requirement. Visit our page on Math Pathways for more information.

  • MATH 101: College Algebra
  • MATH 105: Introductory Quantitative Reasoning
  • MATH 107: Introductory Statistics

Several Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) disciplines at KU expect students to be Calculus-ready before they can begin enrolling in classes for their major. For these programs, KBOR has granted an exception, allowing them to begin their four-year degree plans with one of the following two courses:

  • MATH 115: Calculus I
  • MATH 125: Calculus I

Students beginning with College Algebra can still pursue these STEM programs.  However, doing so may extend the student’s total time to degree.