Implementation Timeline
Timeline for Systemwide General Education Implementation
- February 24, 2024: KBOR publishes approved exceptions.
- April 1, 2024: Fall 2024 Catalog launches
- Degree maps for all programs must be ready for students beginning in the 2024-25 academic year, must align with KBOR standards, and be available online by July 1, 2024. Submission of degree maps will be done through degree level assessment activities in AY22/23 and AY23/24.
- Policy detailing requisite AP, CLEP, and IB scores and corresponding GE credit must be available online by July 1, 2024.
- KBOR responded to exception/exemption requests.
- Academic units notified of exception/exemption responses from KBOR.
- Academic units update/confirm degree requirements.
- October 2023: SIS will update all DPRs based on degree requirements listed in the Catalog.
June 2023:
- Exceptions materials submitted to the Provost for final review and submission to KBOR.
- Provost’s Office submits GE Master Course List due to KBOR by June 1.
July 2023:
- KBOR completes review of master course submission and confirms KU alignment with framework.
- Exception materials submitted by Provost’s Office due to KBOR no later than July 30.
September 2023:
- Fall 2024 catalog available for editing beginning September 1. Fall 2024 catalog and course offerings must provide opportunities for students to complete GE courses in each bucket in alignment with the framework
- Academic units update/confirm degree requirements.
- KBOR completes review of exception requests and issues responses to KU by September 30.
February 2023:
- Begin presentations of KBOR guidelines & UCCC recommendations to Deans; Governance, Academic units/departments. Download the presentation here. Watch the recording of the open forum hosted by University Governance on February 28th.
- Individual meetings with academic units begin as requested.
- Inventory of current KU Core courses that fulfill multiple goals sent to academic units for review.
March 2023:
- Academic units begin evaluating degree requirements in the catalog ensuring they are accurate.
- Academic units must consult with UCCC Chair and VP for Academic Success for any courses they believe need to be considered for exemption by March 31, 2023.
April 2023:
- Provost’s Office submits GE Check-in Form due to KBOR by April 1.
- All exception forms must be submitted to the UCCC by April 14. Please complete exception forms after your consultation with the UCCC chair and/VP for Academic Success.
- Exception Type #1: Request for a Specific Major to Deviate from the Systemwide GE
- Exception Type #2a: Request to Continue Requiring – and not waive – a Specific GE Course Requirement for Transfer Students in a Specific Major
- Exception Type #2b: Expedited Request and Review for Prerequisite Courses
- Academic units return list of courses that fulfill multiple goals identifying single goal alignment by April 14. Please complete this decertification form for courses you'd like removed from the KU Core or goals you'd like removed from the courses.
May 2023:
- Exception follow-up meetings with units (as needed) and multiple Core goal list cleanup complete by May 19.