About the KU Core

In Fall 2024, a new general education curriculum, KU Core 34, was implemented replacing the original KU Core curriculum, adopted in 2013. Students starting KU in Fall 2024 or after must complete the goals outlined in the KU Core 34 general education program.

The KU Core was designed to yield fundamental skills, build a broad background of knowledge, generate capacities and opportunities for blending and creating ideas, strengthen an appreciation of US and global cultures, and cultivate ethical integrity. Developed in 2013 as the university-wide curriculum for all incoming undergraduate students, the KU Core spans the undergraduate experience.

It comprises six educational goals. The first three goals are recommended to be met during the student's first, second, and third year or before they reach 60 credit hours. The last three goals are most appropriately acquired using the foundation of knowledge gained from the first three goals and progression through the major.

A university-wide standing committee known as the University Core Curriculum Committee (UCCC) governs the KU Core by developing, sustaining, and overseeing the KU Core curriculum. The committee meets every other Tuesday from 2:30 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. during the academic year.

University Core Curriculum Committee Membership

The committee includes one voting representative from each of the five divisions of the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences and one from each of the professional schools with undergraduate programs. The UCCC faculty members select a chair annually. Faculty members in their second year on the UCCC are eligible to be nominated or self-nominate for chair-elect. 

Voting members of the committee are tenured or tenure-track faculty. They serve three-year terms and may be reappointed. One representative from the libraries, Schools of Nursing and Health Professions at KUMC, and from Academic Success will serve as ex-officio, non-voting members. Student representatives serve one-year terms.

For more information, please visit the UCCC Policy